The Lighthouse Press, LLC

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Climate Change: It’s Personal

by The Lighthouse Press, LLC
Fiction/Nonfiction • Anthology • E-books
Titles Include...
Encounter: St. Louis, MO
Encounter: Birmingham, AL
Encounter: Aiken, SC
Encounter: Mobile, AL
Encounter: Sunrise Beach, ME
Encounter: Atlanta, GA

Climate change evokes controversy and is made difficult to grasp by scandals involving the predictive models projecting what is anticipated of the weather on a global scale. With reputable and credentialed scientists on both sides of climate disputes, how can the layman possibly determine what to expect?

Well, regardless of why changes occur, it is a given that climate WILL continue to change as it always has. The most important questions we face are will it get hotter and if so, what are the circumstances that humanity will have to survive?

Yes, we publish fiction but the benchmark of excellence is the incorporation of nonfiction. We believe fiction can illustrate a changing environment to which nonfiction can demonstrate how to realistically adapt.

To that end Climate Change: It’s Personal is an anthology series of vignettes endeavoring to illustrate living in the grip of increasing global temperatures. These vignettes are stand-alone publications. Each is a fictional scenario depicting oppressive global heat along with non-fiction explanations of the circumstances and the steps taken to contend with the emerging threat.

Each installment of this serialized anthology is in e-book format and is made available via the titles listed below.

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Encounter: St. Louis, MO

by The Lighthouse Press, LLC
Fiction/Nonfiction • Anthology • E-book

Montgomery “Mac” McMillan, a former Navy Chief Machinist, is in charge of the plant facilities at St. Louis Memorial Hospital in Missouri. For years he has meticulously maintained the hospital’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technology—because lives depend upon it. But now the news brings word that a weather condition called a “heat dome” that has settled over Amarillo in Texas may soon come to Missouri. And this will mean that MacMillan’s old HVAC system will be subjected to daily temperatures upwards to 130 degrees—conditions in which the system cannot function. With the secret help of the hospital’s computer science and technology specialist, McMillan dives into the options necessary to prepare the hospital’s infrastructure to survive the coming climate change. But the effort is made no easier by prohibitive costs and a hospital administration inexplicably oblivious to imminent danger.

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Encounter: Birmingham, AL

by The Lighthouse Press, LLC
Fiction/Nonfiction • Anthology • E-book

Wall Street investor Paul Weiss arrives at his office as he has every day for years, but the morning news out of Asia, Europe and the Middle East is direr than the usual economic drag in agriculture failures, protests, wars and regime change. The numbers in terms of deaths have increased while the Dow is taking thousand point losses on the heels of record-breaking gains. But Weiss doesn’t need investing news or foreign turmoil to explain why clients are calling in their orders to sell holdings. The reason is right there on the televised weather report: Birmingham is in the grip of rising 100 plus degree temperatures, daily heat indexes climbing from 111 and all of it in the “cooler” morning hours. And that’s just the local conditions—the rest of planet isn’t doing any better. The Dow continues its plunge, temperatures blaze record-breaking highs and the office mechanical systems fail to keep pace with the insufferable heat. As a heat dome settles over his city, Weiss experiences the unraveling of civil society while at the same time trying to hold at bay the economic collapse of investors to whom he holds a fiduciary duty.

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Encounter: Aiken, SC

by The Lighthouse Press, LLC
Fiction/Nonfiction • Anthology • E-book

According to the coroner, oppressive heat is the primary cause of a construction worker’s death. So who is responsible? The construction worker, the foreman, the company or our inability to recognize climate altering daily life?

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Encounter: Mobile, AL

by The Lighthouse Press, LLC
Fiction/Nonfiction • Anthology • E-book

Despite weather conditions adverse to the formation a storm front, the National Weather Service christens the season’s fifteenth tropical storm as Otto. The country then watches on as the growing Otto continues across the Atlantic. Unlike the fourteen prior storms that had veered away, Otto seems to be attracted by a massive heat dome that has settled over the United States. With melting Artic ice and rising tides thrown into the mix the entire Eastern Seaboard battens down for an explosive onslaught that not even the experts can predict with certainty. And in Mobile Alabama retired empty nesters Betty and James debate the safest course of action: hunker down amidst the sweltering heat or risk having hurricane Otto catch them out in the open of an all-out panic-driven evacuation.

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Encounter: Sunrise Beach, ME

by The Lighthouse Press, LLC
Fiction/Nonfiction • Anthology • E-book

Having been occupied with adding acreage to his property holdings and preparing rental units for summer vacation arrivals, Matthew Redmond finally notices the recent news. That news, about a heat wave spreading across the country, brings with it the deaths of thousands. Being safely removed from murderous heat, Sunrise Beach is a summer retreat that is about to become a destination for an entirely different reason: refuge.

For more details and your copy Click Here.

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Encounter: Atlanta, GA

by The Lighthouse Press, LLC
Fiction/Nonfiction • Anthology • E-book

Would Pat and Molly Krenshaw’s first anniversary as condominium owners prove to be their last? As the thermostat climbs toward unhealthy extremes, the building owners bring in experts explaining to tenants why the cooling system cannot offset the excessive increase in global temperatures.

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